is it possible to revive lipo's once they have been left pulgged in... what a dumb ass i am!!
is it possible to revive lipo's once they have been left pulgged in... what a dumb ass i am!!
Dont think so, check if the charger accepts the Batteri...if not, i wouldnt play anymor with that one.
i have revived them i rang a real good guy here in the uk, he told me what to do..
but he did warn me of the issues that could happen.. the usual exploding cell's
he said to set the charger to pb, at 1 amp, and keep a close eye on the voltage... and when it hit's 9Volts, end the charge and recharge in lipo mode, then balance...
if you your gonna try this your self, do it with care, i set mine up in the middle of my garden making sure it was not going to damage anything. and i am not resposible for any damage caused to your self or property.
do it at your own risk!!