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Thread: Mounting a servo with motor flip

  1. #1
    Bronco Guest

    Default Mounting a servo with motor flip

    Hope someone can give me some advice :

    I bought a graphite chassis and flipped the motor around. Now I want to install everything but when I want to mount the servo and use the brace H (for the Hitec 81mg) I noticed its to close to the motor (see pictures)

    I'm hoping for some tips (with pics if possible) for alternative ways to install the servo.

  2. #2
    garrettsdad Guest

    Default servo

    I mounted a full size servo right to the chassis w/ servo tape, no mounting bracket at all.. One thig you have to make sure you do though, is to set your send points right, otherwise it will rip itself out of the tape. I did this and it never moved! I was using a JR 8800t which worked awsome compared to the mini servos, but was way overkill, thinking of using a much lighter full size servo.......hope this helps some Chris

  3. #3
    Four8s Guest


    Looks about right. What problem are you having? I have the same servo and dont have any clearance problems.

  4. #4
    Bronco Guest


    The brace for holding the Hitec servo is too big. As you can see it gets very close to the motor mount and cannot mount the motor with a pinion.

    I lke to find something smaller. I will certainly try the servo tape.

  5. #5
    Four8s Guest


    Same Servo, Same Mount:

    Looks the same, except that my picture is taken at a bit of an angle and I have my motor mount slid up closer to the chassis.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bronco
    The brace for holding the Hitec servo is too big. As you can see it gets very close to the motor mount and cannot mount the motor with a pinion. . .
    What does not fit? Does the teeth on the spur meet with the part of the pinnion without teeth? Is the motor butting up against the tranny housing?

  6. #6
    Bronco Guest


    Well I'm using an Align 430L brushless motor. It has a 1/8 inch output shaft so I use 1/10th pinions. My pinion comes over the spur gear. Yours is even a bit behind the spur gear.

    What brand and tooth of pinion are you using ? And what kind of motor ?

  7. #7
    Four8s Guest


    I think the pinnion in the picture is a Robinson 14T rc18 pinion. The motor is a Wraith 7k. Hpi Micro Rs4 pinions fit better than associateds when I need a lower tooth count.

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