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Thread: Stock Servo

  1. #1
    Four8s Guest

    Default Stock Servo

    My sons stock h8's servo does not work.
    He still has full range of forward and reverse.
    Also is running on 9.6v.

    I disconnected it and pluged in my old
    stock servo, which does work, and it
    diddnt work either. Must be a problem
    with the esc/reciever.

    What happend and if I install my spare
    esc/reciever what can I do to keep it
    from happening again?

  2. #2
    Number_8 Guest



    This happened to me as well. I found that the gear on the stock servo was actually stuck for some reason. I would take the servo apart and try fix it, except i had a HS-81MG so I installed that, but still dont know if I did it right. I have a thread about it a few posts up.

  3. #3
    Four8s Guest


    Im sure that isnt the problem. Like I said, the swaped the malfunctioning servo with another and it still did not work. Maybe Ill shoot kyosho an email.

    Thanks for sharing your experience though, could come in handy later on.

  4. #4
    008 Guest

    Talking Servo problem (Listen to this)

    Quote Originally Posted by Four8s
    Im sure that isnt the problem. Like I said, the swaped the malfunctioning servo with another and it still did not work. Maybe Ill shoot kyosho an email.

    Thanks for sharing your experience though, could come in handy later on.
    Hello all. Ok i have quite of experience with rc cars for starters so you can pretty much trust me on my diagnoises of this so called servo problem.What i found out is that most of the time with the inferno that it is'nt the servo that is binding!!!Here is the problem .The two silver post that the stearing linkage connects to, well actually the linkage sits on top of these two post.What happens is dirt and grit gets down between the silver post and the plastic linkage and causes an enormous amount of friction because of the dirt build up. The stearing post are metal but the linkage post are plastic. So what happens is that small amounts of dirt and grit gets inbeded into the plastic thus causing a serious stearing issue.The anwser is to get the integy metal stearing linkage post.I figure that this will completely solve the due to the simple fact that the dirt can not get inbeded into the metal linkage.I just received my second inferno today and after a drive in the dirt the stearing problem began began affecting.

  5. #5
    008 Guest


    So people stop trashing the servo.Kyosho should have known better than this.If you dont buy the metal linkage you can always widen the the mount hole's on the plastic stearing linkage. I was about to purchase a new servo and esc , that was untill i figured this out ( money saved)lol.Woooo!!!! I figured that Kyosho wouldnt spend money on a total junk radio system .I actually like the system .And to back this issue with dirt I had a similar problem with my mini t, somehow dirt got into my stearing ball cup and caused a serious stearing issue.And yes i swaped servo's and the problem still persisted.So please try this minor mantaince of cleaning the stearing post and post your results. Thanks.
    Last edited by 008; 05-19-2007 at 03:36 AM.

  6. #6
    Four8s Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by 008
    . . . So please try this minor mantaince of cleaning the stearing post and post your results. Thanks.
    I tried 2 different servos. Pluged each servo into the ESC/RX and did not connect it to the steering linkage. They both did not work properly.

  7. #7
    008 Guest


    Hello again. in Your case the electronics must be bad. Also make sure that you check your dual rate stearing adjustment, and that you dont have it adjusted for minimal servo travel. ok

  8. #8
    008 Guest


    Many people think that the servo is bad when the car doesnt turn tight. When it is probably just the dual rate adjustment. I had to clean my left stearing post again today due to grit getting inside of it. I ordered my new all metal stearing setup this morning.

  9. #9
    Lord_Inferno Guest


    The standard system wasn't bad at all when i was using it,
    But yeah as people are mentioning the standard linkage system is horrible, it binds like a mofo!

    I am also having trouble with the screws on the actual C hubs to the steering knuckles
    They keep coming off!

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