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Thread: Dual Charging Adapters

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Shanghai, PRC

    Default Dual Charging Adapters

    Any opinions on the use of dual charging adapters:

    Parallel: http://www.onlybatterypacks.com/show...temID=10233.44

    Series: http://www.onlybatterypacks.com/show...temID=10142.44
    AOL Screen Name: SteveR1960 buzz me if you want to chat RC

  2. #2
    tanandy09 Guest


    I don't think it is a good idea to use such adaptors, unless you are not concerned about performance of the batteries and uses extremely low charging currents.

    Try Hobbicco's Accu-cycle Elite
    Or MRC's Superbrain 977
    if you like charging 2 batteries at one time with one charger.

  3. #3
    nmb Guest


    I'm waiting for my duratraxx intellipeak deluxe charger and already have two packs of GMAXX 1200ma. I'll be charging them very slowly during night. Can I charge the two packs at once? Charger detects cell type and size.

  4. #4
    tanandy09 Guest


    Yep... You can charge 2 packs at once if you are using a low charging current. (1/10th the capacity of the batteries)

    Example... If you are charging an 8cell 1200mAh battery pack, Set the charge current @ 120mA. Charge the pack for about 14-16hours

    If you are charging 2 packs of 8 cells in Series, Also charge them @ 120mA.

    If the 2 packs are to be charged in parrellel, charge them @ 240mA.

    BUT, i would just charge one pack at a time to make things less complicated and less risk of mistakes.

    It is not recommended at all to charge both packs together using fast charge(1 hour quick charge). One of the packs will not be fully charged. and the other may be overcharged.

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