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Thread: battery protection circuit

  1. #1
    nmb Guest

    Default battery protection circuit

    I just got a MIST last thrusday for my kid and that thing is somewhat slow.

    I'm looking at buying a pack of cells and read here 'bout the intellect 1400 pack.

    two questions. where to buy in europe since I only find in the states, australia and hong kong. and the battery protection circuit mentioned on the manual. what's the real purpose and is that really needed?

    thank you all.


  2. #2
    Venn Guest


    I ordered that same pack on Ebay, it's coming from Hong Kong. Didn't find any in Europe. Maybe you'll ahve more luck.

    I hope you get response on the Battery Eliminator Circuit issue as well. I read about the BEC being in the battery, in the receiver or even in the speed controller. I'd like to have that cleared up as well, cuz I don't wanna burn stuff.

  3. #3
    pllbz Guest


    the battery circuit protector are included in the kyosho 1200 packs and it keeps the battery from frying the stock ESC & BEC. you can run with or without it. intellect 1400 don't come with the circuit protector

  4. #4
    dickdastardly Guest



    batterys from the UK got mine here...

    if you search the forum there is a lot of info the BEC and it is not needed,
    i have the same packs and run a rocket 400 and have no problems.

    the only thing i found was the wire from your ESC to the battery gets hot and started to melt, nearly shorting the pack(just saw it in time)
    i soldered some 18 awg wire onto the esc and its fine now.
    been runing every day for the last month fine

  5. #5
    nmb Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by dickdastardly

    batterys from the UK got mine here...

    if you search the forum there is a lot of info the BEC and it is not needed,
    i have the same packs and run a rocket 400 and have no problems.

    the only thing i found was the wire from your ESC to the battery gets hot and started to melt, nearly shorting the pack(just saw it in time)
    i soldered some 18 awg wire onto the esc and its fine now.
    been runing every day for the last month fine
    to solder the wire we need to strip the esc appart right? :S

  6. #6
    tanandy09 Guest


    Yep.. you'll need to open up th esc if you want to replace the wires. Not that difficult. Make sure the wires you using id not to thick, or else you will have a hard time closing the casing back.

    And remember to change those plugs to deans connectors while you are at it. Those HPI style plug don't work very long.(they'll melt before the wires do)

  7. #7
    nmb Guest


    thx. I just installed the cells and tomorrow I'm changing all the wiring.

    having problems with my duratrax deluxe charger...

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