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Thread: duratrax vr3 motor...

  1. #1
    jaejw1 Guest

    Default duratrax vr3 motor...

    this is the hop-up motor for the vendetta.. but has anyone tried it in the half8th,, since they are both using 380 motors.. and more so,, the vr3 motor has adjustable timing..

  2. #2
    Takumi861 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by jaejw1
    this is the hop-up motor for the vendetta.. but has anyone tried it in the half8th,, since they are both using 380 motors.. and more so,, the vr3 motor has adjustable timing..
    can u put a link to the motor, i want to see the motor.

  3. #3
    jaejw1 Guest



    you can barely see it but there is a raised plastic piece right on the endbell in front of the postive tab,, right on the edge... and there is an indentation on the can.. you can see that the tiing is in the middle.. ,,, you can change the timing with use of needle nose pliers and make it faster.. way faster.. and since the mini-inferno comes with a 380 motor already i figured maybe the MI can benefit from this cheap upgrade..

    i have been using a mamba in my vendetta and now that it isnt working,, motor is shot.. im back to using the vr3 motor,, and im perfectly happy with it.. not as fast as the mamba8000kv but it is still fast.. maybe as fast as a 5400 mamaba,, and maybe just maybe a 6800

  4. #4
    RoostAZ Guest


    what?!?! as fast as a 5400?!?! why on earth would anyone buy any other motor if this thing was as fast as a high end brushless system. I just can't see how it could be as fast or even close for that matter.

  5. #5
    jaejw1 Guest


    http://www.one18th.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39722 here is a video of the vr3 with stock timing,,

    and here is mine with advanced timing

    to tell you the truth.. since the 5400 can run with a lrger pinion,, then maybe it wouldnt be.. but if all things were the same,, then maybe,,, i only know what an 8000 will do..

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