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Thread: My XB16 err... H8

  1. #1
    EphiDelt490 Guest

    Default My XB16 err... H8

    Check it out....
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  2. #2
    wreckless18b Guest


    VERY nice. What wheels are those?

  3. #3
    EphiDelt490 Guest


    Xray with Crimefighters

  4. #4
    BiGRoB21 Guest


    that car looks like the biggest pile of doo doo! lol

  5. #5
    EphiDelt490 Guest


    Then don't post yours

  6. #6
    BiGRoB21 Guest


    i wish it would stop raining for a little while so we could go wheel the cars.

    BitHed says: Rob you know better than that...

  7. #7
    EphiDelt490 Guest


    Found the D/R on this garbage JR radio. It was set to 60% for throttle. I bumped it to 100% and it blew all 4 tires off the wheels, lol.

  8. #8
    16thDimension Guest


    Hey Adam, That pic from the Antenna down. Makes it look like it about as long as my leg. Anyways, looks good! Seeeeeeeeeeeee Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa@#$%^&

  9. #9
    EphiDelt490 Guest


    Yeah .......

  10. #10
    oxfordmist Guest


    Nice paint, did you do it yourself?

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