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Forum: Bodies

Painting, Trimming, Tuning for Downforce

  1. Body by Aerokréation

    Presentation of some body of Inferno Minis which is painted with the bomb or the aéro BODY BY AEROKREATION Impulseman

    Started by impulseman, 11-05-2005 11:49 PM
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    11-06-2005 07:29 PM Go to last post
  2. how big of bit is needed for mounting holes on the h8 body ?

    can somone tell me the size of bit needed for the mouting holes on the h8 body I have one being shipped to me but the painter is drilling it out for me .... thanks

    Started by cuda033, 10-04-2005 12:22 AM
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    11-01-2005 12:38 AM Go to last post
  3. WhoMe's New Shell!

    Like the title says, freshly painted half 8 shell. Bybye heatsink hole! Enjoy!

    Started by WhoMe, 05-18-2005 04:45 PM
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    10-31-2005 01:21 PM Go to last post
  4. Wouldnt it be grand...?

    ...if PROLINE did THESE bodies for the ST I would be a happy man :D I have written them and asked if they have any plans for an ST body...Remember THIS is what the stock body looks like...

    Started by BitHed, 10-10-2005 07:06 AM
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    10-18-2005 07:24 PM Go to last post
  5. Talking My Theme H8 Body

    I Thought it would be cool to make a theme H8 ... Here is some pics of what its gonna be all about. It also going to have matching parts ... Hope you like This body was done by PYROGRAPHIX

    Started by cuda033, 10-03-2005 11:23 PM
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    10-18-2005 07:18 PM Go to last post
  6. Half8 Crowd Pleazer

    Here is my freshly paint Crowd Pleazer for my Half8...WhoMe did the awesome paint for it :D Its all ready and waiting for decals...Its gonna look good at the ECC :D

    Started by k_bojar, 10-11-2005 03:01 AM
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    10-14-2005 12:10 AM Go to last post
  7. Poll Poll: Proline H8 Survey

    ...As the Proline H8 body is the ONLY other option we really have, and in order to provide our vendors with a better service, here is a survey for the Proline body...You can only vote once...

    Started by BitHed, 10-11-2005 01:06 AM
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    10-13-2005 12:05 AM Go to last post
  8. Just received my crowd pleaser body have question

    I just received my crowd pleaser body and with it are 2 blue screws as well as two plastic nuts. What are they for?

    Started by 46u, 10-07-2005 04:45 AM
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    10-10-2005 06:33 AM Go to last post
  9. New shell and shoes

    what you guys think? proline shell with kyosho's newest tire/wheel set any proline users out there experiencing difficulties mounting the shell? i seem to have to remove the front shocks in order to get the front end "nose" on without ruining it :o P.S....this is a DNA body(ephidelt), stay...

    Started by acsubie, 08-24-2005 05:45 AM
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    10-04-2005 07:02 PM Go to last post
  10. Talking Any cool Decal sets found ?

    I know decals are the last thing we are all looking for ... But I though for those of us who dont have any air brushing skill (me) then there might be a cool place to find decals. I already ripped the decals that came off my stock h8 body. It had that ugly blue and pink on it... The blue was...

    Started by cuda033, 09-15-2005 07:32 AM
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    09-27-2005 05:59 PM Go to last post
  11. Painting - help needed

    Hello there, it's been awhile since I last "painted" a body - and all I did was spray it one color only. Now I wanna try to paint some H8-body (I have a clear stock-body and one Pro-Line). To see how it works, I want to start with the stock-body. I allready cut it - damn, thats not easy......

    Started by janniz, 08-20-2005 08:53 PM
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    09-14-2005 01:33 AM Go to last post
  12. My First H8 Proline Crowd Pleazer 2.0 body

    Well it looks nothing like your guys cool designs. But Its my first crack at doing this in like 5 years lol. Im still cutting it up and thinking if i should tint the windows .... pretty plain Jane :D

    Started by cuda033, 09-09-2005 05:46 AM
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    09-12-2005 10:37 PM Go to last post
  13. Talking Mini-T's new Friend

    Hi, received my new Pro Line Body from pyrographix today ( thanks BitHed ;) ) Inferno Setup : Kyosho Oil Shocks

    Started by steviet, 08-17-2005 08:56 PM
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    09-05-2005 08:06 PM Go to last post
  14. WET PAINT!!!! up for grabs.....

    Here are the pics of the lastest body... Hope you all enjoy.... please let me know what you think of it.... Here is the link to it on Ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5996997329&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&rd=1

    Started by ygphs, 09-02-2005 12:42 AM
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    09-03-2005 09:01 AM Go to last post
  15. Pyrographix stock body on Ebay

    Just wanted to post the body I got from Panic toys... Bithed hooked me up with the body.... I thought I would post the body and give the link to the body on Ebay.... It is up for bid.... good luck! ...

    Started by ygphs, 08-13-2005 03:56 AM
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    08-30-2005 02:08 AM Go to last post
  16. H8 with Proline body and hop ups.

    I just uploaded some pics of my Half 8 with a proline body on it. Here is the gallery link. http://halfeight.com/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=232

    Started by GraphicArtist, 08-06-2005 09:23 PM
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    08-28-2005 12:02 AM Go to last post
  17. My new Half 8 :)

    Just got my new K-car. Very pleased with the build quality, this thing is JUST like it's bigger brother! Body is the Pro-Line Crowd Pleazer 2.0.

    Started by EphiDelt490, 08-12-2005 05:19 AM
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    08-24-2005 03:00 AM Go to last post
  18. My Half8 version 2.0

    Here are a couple of pics of my newly built half8. I gave my original one to my older brother, hopefully it will get him back into r/c. Although this almost an exact clone of my first one believe me this one has a few more goodies :) . Body is the crowd pleazer painted by R2. Outside posing.... ...

    Started by maxxenitout, 08-18-2005 12:35 AM
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    08-24-2005 02:59 AM Go to last post
  19. Finished!!! It looks sweet..............but.....................

    I broken the front part before I took the fotos!!! I used a cutter to cut through the line once, in 1/2 the thickness oh the body, and then tear it with hand. It's works very very well (including the shock tower part) and the body looks more perfect after I filed the edges with sandpaper. After...

    Started by TiNTiN, 08-06-2005 06:42 PM
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    08-17-2005 04:13 PM Go to last post
  20. My First Crowd Pleazer Body.

    Just practicing on my first Crowd Pleazer 2.0 body. It’s been quite a while since I dusted off the ol air brush, not to mention how long it has been since I painted a Lexan body and it shows. :( Here’s my first shot, there will be more to come. ;) ...

    Started by Hammer, 08-11-2005 02:24 AM
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    08-16-2005 03:54 PM Go to last post

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