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Forum: halfEIGHT.com

  1. Question What happened to the Gallery...???

    I noticed a few changes in the forum since I last visited as far as layout/icons. Tried to view the gallery but nothing is there. Can any of the moderators chime in and explain what happened...??? Remember guys... if it ain't broke, don't fix it...!!! :p

    Started by Migs, 01-26-2008 04:08 PM
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    05-25-2008 08:21 PM Go to last post
  2. new here

    hello I am new to the mini world usually race 1/8 buggy got an inferno st so far only stock with 8 cell rechargable pack and sato shocks can anyone help with the mounting of the buggy wing on this also does anyone have a better description for the stick pack conversion?I found the one in the forum...

    Started by toofless, 01-24-2008 12:02 AM
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    • Views: 956
    01-24-2008 12:02 AM Go to last post
  3. clear chassis protector

    Does anyone know where I can purchase a clear chassis protector for my half 8. Thx

    Started by brucev, 06-08-2007 04:14 AM
    • Replies: 4
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    10-16-2007 07:43 AM Go to last post
  4. Review Thread?

    Hey, Can you guys make a Review thread? Then we can get some opinions of different products out.

    Started by ChrisOFNA, 05-06-2006 03:59 AM
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    05-29-2007 12:01 PM Go to last post
  5. PNG images

    Is it possible to change the allowed graphics to include PNG Bit? -JNY

    Started by pimpsmurf, 03-17-2006 07:07 PM
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    03-17-2006 07:07 PM Go to last post
  6. 50$ still availible

    will i still get 50 bucks if i buy a h8 from your store cuz thats one kick ass deal

    Started by Magnum P.I., 07-11-2005 10:11 PM
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    02-06-2006 02:25 AM Go to last post
  7. New Products???

    Just wondering if you were expecting anything new to be available in the shop soon?? Like the crowd pleazer body :) Or anything else..

    Started by maxxenitout, 06-24-2005 09:05 AM
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    07-16-2005 05:09 AM Go to last post
  8. How to pay?

    It may sound stupid but ive never orderd off the internet before. But when do i pay for the shipment? In the profile shiping adress stuff it doesnt say how to pay or the different options. it will probably be a credit card.

    Started by Magnum P.I., 07-13-2005 09:15 PM
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 979
    07-16-2005 02:58 AM Go to last post
  9. Thumbs up Thanks For The Quick Shipment!

    D, thanks for the very quick shipment! :D I placed my order (Kyosho Oil Shocks Front & Rear, Kyosho Optional Hub Bearings, Duratrax Piranha Charger, plus a few more items) Thursday night pacific time (7/7). I received the order on Monday (7/11), including a few items I requested but wasn’t able...

    Started by Hammer, 07-12-2005 04:37 AM
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    07-16-2005 02:46 AM Go to last post
  10. Ship to Canada?

    Theres no option to ship to Canada when filling in the box so Im guessing you guys dont ship to Canada?

    Started by Sideshow, 07-12-2005 09:39 PM
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    07-16-2005 02:40 AM Go to last post
  11. Kyosho Dealers

    I noticed "Tiny RC Inc" is now on Kyosho America's list of dealers. ;) http://www.kyoshoamerica.com/locatedealer/locatedealer.asp?stateid=MI Locally, I also noticed that Exotic Cars at Caesar's Palace is also listed along with HobbyTown USA. Ironically, the one LHS that I know that has sold...

    Started by TNB, 07-09-2005 05:26 PM
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    07-10-2005 07:39 PM Go to last post
  12. Hidden products in the shop?

    Well I was just going though the shop and I noticed that in the "recommended products" list there were products that didn't show up on the categories. An example of this is http://www.halfeight.com/shop/product.php?productid=16223 and http://www.halfeight.com/shop/product.php?productid=16225 . I...

    Started by BLACKHAWK444, 06-21-2005 02:52 AM
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    07-10-2005 06:56 PM Go to last post
  13. hE.com shop

    Sorry if this a hassle (spelling?), and this might be different by the time you read it but, the shop says "109 product online," but I can only count up 91... :( Where's the last 10 products? Thanks :)

    Started by holy_inferno, 06-17-2005 03:27 AM
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    07-10-2005 05:15 PM Go to last post
  14. Great Service!!!!

    I highly recommend the Half Eight store. I needed an extension on the sale and they gave it to me. They also responded to my e-mails quickly and thoughtfully. They even gave me a 2$ GC because I was a little over the 50$ GC that they sent me before. Definitely order from the store and support...

    Started by BLACKHAWK444, 06-09-2005 04:30 PM
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    06-20-2005 04:07 AM Go to last post
  15. Edit function

    Hello halfEight! Just wanted to ask what's up with the Edit function in the posts? I can't edit any of my postings unless I'm the very last person who posted. I wanted to edit the pictures which I messed up in the CAW Axle + Hex thread, but can't. Thanks~ :o

    Started by Crunch, 06-09-2005 04:29 PM
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    06-09-2005 07:16 PM Go to last post
  16. Question Threads read or not read

    Does anyone know how to change the settings for this? I want only the threads that I have read to show read. If you don't understand what I am saying then here you go. I logged on to the site. I saw a lot of yellow (unread posts) I surfed around a little and upon clicking forums in the...

    Started by crymynal, 06-01-2005 12:17 PM
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    06-09-2005 07:03 PM Go to last post
  17. Site Feedback

    Let us know how we're doing, and if you have any ideas for how we can improve! :) :cool:

    Started by halfEIGHT, 03-15-2005 02:45 PM
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    04-25-2005 01:19 AM Go to last post
  18. halfEIGHT.com Desktops!

    For those rare moments when you're not on the Forums, here's some Desktops to keep you thinking of us :D : http://halfeight.com/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=508 :cool:

    Started by halfEIGHT, 03-15-2005 02:47 PM
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    03-29-2005 07:55 PM Go to last post
  19. halfEIGHT.com AVATARS

    ...We all love free stuff...and its not often that a big site caters to your EVERY need... ...We have put some avatars together for y'all to use if you want to...Well actually Bithed did them at 1am JST this morning... ...They are as 'Plug and Play' as possible so this is how it works...Read...

    Started by BitHed, 03-15-2005 03:54 PM
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 1,572
    03-19-2005 04:42 PM Go to last post

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