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Forum: 1/8th Scale Kyosho Inferno

The Mini Inferno's Nitro-powered Big Brother

  1. mini inferno vs mini inferno st

    is everything so difference between both of this????

    Started by drg007, 07-20-2008 07:04 PM
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    07-31-2008 09:17 AM Go to last post
  2. My Kanai 3

    What it has: - RB WS7 II X3 W/RB Pipe - JR XS3 Radio - Kfactory Clutch Bell etc. etc.

    Started by RC_KAOS, 12-15-2006 11:40 AM
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    12-24-2006 10:12 PM Go to last post
  3. Tyler Vik Joins Team Kyosho

    Rising star Tyler Vik joins Team Kyosho driving the new Kyosho 777 WC 1:8 buggy and 777 ST-R Racing Truggy. Hailing from Livermore, CA, Vik has been racing for four years. In this relatively short time he has driven his way to numerous national-level A-final events, including the ROAR Truck...

    Started by RC_KAOS, 12-16-2006 03:13 AM
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    12-16-2006 03:13 AM Go to last post
  4. Just Picked up a Inferno ST-R

    When I saw this Truggy on the cover of RCCA I had to pick it up, but where to find it. The Hobby shop I went to had 10 come in and sold all of them except one that was on hold so the shop person called the buyer, which I found out later was my racing buddy, who forfeitted it to me :) I...

    Started by pointcrossed, 05-18-2006 11:39 AM
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    09-24-2006 06:49 AM Go to last post
  5. The best place to get MP777 sp2 parts

    Hey guys im lookin for the best place to get some MP777 SP2 parts as such Front suspension assembly Rear suspension assembly Steering assembly fuel tank assembly clutch assembly and front/center/rear diffs O and a good after market motor mount (Just like the title says whats the best place...

    Started by leapingbug, 04-18-2006 04:59 AM
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    05-14-2006 01:24 AM Go to last post
  6. I get the basic idea, but...

    I know that this forum is mainly for the Kyosho half eight, and so the logical thing is to have a forum for the 1/8 scale version... but not all of us have kyosho 1/8ths (i'm assuming) so why not make it a more general 1/8 discussion area? I know I run an MBX-5, so a kyosho 1/8 forum doesn't help...

    Started by Hikari no Tenshi, 02-13-2006 09:44 PM
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    04-06-2006 05:13 PM Go to last post
  7. Here is mine

    Here is my SP2. Gettn ready for the Canadian Winter Nats this weekend. 10hr drive, and leaving tomorrow. ;)

    Started by hrtln, 03-02-2006 09:56 AM
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    03-28-2006 12:22 AM Go to last post
  8. DrVonHoss - K-Factory chassis news

    Maybe you have already seen this but the chassis you were inquiring about is available here: http://www.carolinasrc.com/Webstore/Scripts/prodView.asp?idproduct=908 Let me know if it works.

    Started by Hawk, 01-29-2006 11:58 PM
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    02-12-2006 04:16 AM Go to last post
  9. SP2 arrives today.

    :) Our MP777 SP2 kit arrives today. I will be a busy bugger as we are racing in a points race tomorrow. Have to be up at 5AM to get the car loaded and off to the track to get there by 8AM for a good table. I guess I will just get everything ready that I can before it gets here, diffs need to be...

    Started by Hawk, 12-16-2005 07:25 PM
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    12-22-2005 09:00 PM Go to last post
  10. MP777 SP2 Truggy announced

    Kyosho has this teaser on their website now. http://www.kyoshoamerica.com/news2.asp :cool:

    Started by Hawk, 12-16-2005 06:21 PM
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    12-17-2005 02:41 AM Go to last post
  11. A few questions..Regarding 777 Sp1

    Is the 777 SpI a good car? i dont know much..or nothing about this cars..erlier ive been driving ICtrack and this is new, so i can if i want trade my MRX with options and a RC18T FT mamba 8000 against this car 777 sp1 hyper 21 8p starter 8 differnt tiers Truggy stuff Fuel Is this a good...

    Started by Thomas P, 10-31-2005 05:26 PM
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    12-07-2005 06:53 PM Go to last post
  12. Brushless 1/8th buggy

    Hi, I love my half8, but I long for something a little bigger. I was thinking about a brushless 1/8th Inferno. Has anyone tried this? I woul dlove to see pictures of a conversion of any 1/8 buggy. Thanks,

    Started by mgs781, 10-16-2005 11:53 PM
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    10-31-2005 06:35 PM Go to last post
  13. Moved: Full ball bearing set

    Started by MINITAY, 01-25-2008 01:28 AM
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    10-31-2005 06:38 AM Go to last post
  14. BitHed, I want one of these!

    http://halfeight.com/gallery/data/500/os30vg.jpg I will need one of these to go with the Inferno ST. :cool:

    Started by Hawk, 10-19-2005 01:04 AM
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    10-29-2005 09:35 PM Go to last post
  15. Weekend racing

    We had a Monster Truck meet this weekend at Delta RC. Overall, it was great. We had a good time so thanks Kraig and all at Delta for the great facilities and organization. The unlimited monster truck A main ended abruptly with one of the truggy's strike one of the turn marshals. The track has a...

    Started by Hawk, 10-24-2005 08:49 PM
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    10-25-2005 05:09 PM Go to last post
  16. 1/8 Inferno st

    Can anyone tell me a release date on the st? I REALLY WANT ONE??? PLEASE HELP

    Started by sanny632, 10-22-2005 07:07 PM
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    10-22-2005 07:07 PM Go to last post
  17. 1/8 Inferno ST

    Bithed, How much is 54,000 y? Can you get me one in november? :cool: TOP > Product information > Car & Bike > Monster track/truck series > < Back 1/8 28 engine 4WD stadium tracks/trucks Inferring no ST ready set

    Started by Hawk, 09-06-2005 05:20 PM
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    10-20-2005 03:06 PM Go to last post
  18. 2006 1/8 Buggy Program

    1/8 Buggy Part/Component Where to buy Number Price Kyosho KYO31779B MP777 SP2 Kit ?BitHed? 749.00 Kyosho KYOIFW125 48 Tooth Center Spur Gear A Main Hobbies 26.99 Futaba S9351 Digital High Torque Servo Tower 109.99 Hexcrews MP-777 HexHeads A.P. Conversion Kit Hexcrews 56.72...

    Started by Hawk, 10-16-2005 09:53 PM
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    10-19-2005 08:50 PM Go to last post
  19. Wink Somebody's got to post something.....

    So anyone have a 1/8 Inferno? They look really nice, but most are very expensive. And I don't really like nitro that much. But anyone that has one post here. :cool:

    Started by BLACKHAWK444, 03-19-2005 04:39 PM
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    10-08-2005 06:37 PM Go to last post
  20. ...LUCKY MP 7.5

    Hey guys just won a 7.5 Sport buggy over the weekend in a raffle. I was wondering what is a good forum for getting info on the 1/8 scale scene. Also what parts are interchangable with this SPORT version? I know this is not the greatest buggy but it was free and I want to try it before I go...

    Started by MOTRAIN, 09-12-2005 03:31 AM
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    09-20-2005 05:48 AM Go to last post

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