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Forum: Setups

Setup Sheets and Tips

  1. Poll Poll: Set up Sheet

    How many of you would Want a mini Inferno Blank set up sheet?

    Started by Gearhead, 07-09-2005 06:45 PM
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    11-29-2010 01:06 PM Go to last post
  2. MIST setup and some help thanks!

    Hey guys I'm new here I'm trying to get into the electric racing and I want to start out with the MIST, I've been doing alot of reading but I don't know where I stand I'm still a noob, I am however good at 1/8th and 1/10th Nitro buggys and trucks. Let me know what you all think of my setup for the...

    Started by EndZz, 09-21-2006 10:01 AM
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    03-30-2010 07:11 AM Go to last post
  3. Dual motors

    hey guys I modded this KMRC chasis to accomodate two mamba 8Ks and two 3 cell lipos 2100s. I put two fans, a Hitech 225mg servo. this thing is soooo fast. I can make it flip at 20+mph. I thought my other mi was fun. this is a wild mod

    Started by Datrain, 02-01-2008 06:39 AM
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    02-12-2008 03:57 AM Go to last post
  4. How to tune the slipper????

    Hi, I have an Hyperion YC22S in my MIST and the slipper is always spinning. It has alot of top end speed but little accelaration due to the slipper, what should i do to fix this??? The pinion i run is the 11th from RC18T. Thx in advance

    Started by warfile, 11-07-2007 12:45 PM
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    11-09-2007 02:29 AM Go to last post
  5. Ride height

    I'm running GPM alu shocks towers and Kyosho original oil shocks (with black springs). I want to lower the ride height quite a bit as it's currently about 22mm front and back with normal wheels and tyres on, fully loaded with battery etc. Is it as simple as get softer springs or are there any other...

    Started by frogger, 07-12-2007 07:47 PM
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    07-12-2007 07:47 PM Go to last post
  6. PanicToys Works Chassis

    ...This is my 2000th post...To commerate I have started MY thread...I have been piggy-backing Ronny's for to long...Here is BitHed's Mini Inferno HalfEight buggy; very soon to become an ST... CHASSIS 3mm Randel Stevens carbon chassis… 1mm carbon PanicToys STiffy™ top plate… 2mm carbon top...

    Started by BitHed, 11-09-2005 07:59 AM
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    01-31-2007 08:10 AM Go to last post
  7. fine tuing the H8

    Hi there everyone, I"m glad 2 b back in action again. I was wondering if anyone can help me out here....Can anyone please show me how do I go about locking the Center Diff? If I get the Apogee li-po, do I also need to get another batt charger? pls. help. thks :(

    Started by creation30, 12-01-2006 03:13 AM
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    12-01-2006 03:13 AM Go to last post
  8. Question Clutch adjusting

    I just wanted some info on adjusting my clutch. I'll be racing my truck on carpet with no jumps and when I hit the gas my clutch slips like its suppose to but I want to get rid of the lack of grip at the beginning. Will I make it tighter with that weird tool?

    Started by minijosh, 10-13-2006 03:43 AM
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    11-11-2006 11:29 PM Go to last post
  9. Racers???????????

    How all races 1/2 8's here? It would be cool if we could check out everyones different set-up's, and idea's. I have no problem sharing mine. ;)

    Started by hrtln, 03-17-2006 06:23 AM
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    11-01-2006 06:14 AM Go to last post
  10. Camber angle?

    Hi, I have a Mini Inferno ST What is the "proper" camber angle (on front wheels) for the MIST? My front tyres are getting whorn mostly on the inner half. I first noticed it when I installed 20 degree alloy caster blocks, alloy knuckles, alloy wheelhubs and ballbearing steering assembly from...

    Started by ther, 10-01-2006 10:30 PM
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    10-02-2006 07:00 PM Go to last post
  11. Outdoor dirt setups?????

    Anybody have any good outdoor dirt setups? Mainly wanting to know supension adjustments. I'm using the 3R oil fill shocks and shock towers.

    Started by bigron, 06-14-2006 03:09 AM
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    07-04-2006 04:11 PM Go to last post
  12. Question what do i do now?

    hey guys! i just got a mini inferno a couple days ago and i'm new in this hobby so i have no clue how things work hope you guys could help me. after running my mini inferno i noticed that the response time from when i squeeze the trigger to the car responding takes a while ( i have fresh batteries...

    Started by RC_NEWBIE, 06-02-2006 05:24 PM
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    06-02-2006 05:24 PM Go to last post
  13. Still Slipping...

    ...i am upset...I lubed and de-lubed...I have put bearings IN the diffs and then taken them out... ...AON 4900 and 6cells...full gas from a dead start and the slipper is slipping against the BIG gear...I have done everything to make it connect right from the get go...What am i doing wrong? What...

    Started by BitHed, 06-09-2005 02:16 AM
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    05-07-2006 11:03 AM Go to last post
  14. locked center dif

    I raced last night with the stock center dif glued. I was expecting problems but I got to tell you it was SOOOOOo controlable. I could drift out of hairpins with out the back coming out.( on hard packed dirt) it was the first time I felt really happy with this truck. If I gave it too much throttle...

    Started by auto2, 04-15-2006 12:42 PM
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    04-25-2006 09:18 PM Go to last post
  15. front shock oil

    what is the stock front shock oil for the ST? I have something wierd as my rear shocks feel good but the fronts have no damping. I went all the way up to 80 WT and now I have 1000 DIF OIL and still almost no damping they must be bleeding past the pistons or something.

    Started by auto2, 03-17-2006 03:09 AM
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    03-17-2006 04:28 AM Go to last post
  16. bump steer

    Oh man this thing has horrible bump steer. ( bump steer is when the suspension moves and the steering angle (toe) changes left to right . SO the car steers itself when suspension gets compressed) I have the aluminum rack in it and a HS 81MG and atomic knuckles. any ideas?

    Started by auto2, 01-28-2006 10:11 PM
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    02-15-2006 03:17 AM Go to last post
  17. Box Stock ST

    I have in my possesion a Box Stock RTR Mini Inferno ST. I bought it with a PN1250 nimh battery. I plan to use it to test and upgrade this truck for use as a stock 4wd race truck with a little playing around on the side. I charged the batteries and loaded the TX bat. holder with rechargeable...

    Started by Hawk, 01-23-2006 06:21 PM
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    02-07-2006 12:53 AM Go to last post
  18. PitBull ST build

    Hi, Gopher asked me if I have a ground up PitBull ST build up going on. He asked about parts cost with taking it that direction. In response I have opened this thread. I will document my PitBull chassis build of an Mini Inferno ST from nothing to finished running racer. I plan to list all parts...

    Started by Hawk, 01-09-2006 06:20 PM
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    02-06-2006 06:01 PM Go to last post
  19. Talking BitHed ST

    ...Here it is boys...Conversion from the buggy to the ST...PitBull chassis...Stickerless body...No inner body yet...Pretty easy to put together...One or two funky bits...but the pics first...

    Started by BitHed, 12-21-2005 01:32 AM
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    12-30-2005 06:06 PM Go to last post
  20. Exclamation Setup sheet in Portuguese

    :p Hello guys! Just made a H8 Setup sheet, but it´s in Portuguese, so I´ll write in PT for a while. :cool: OK malta, têm aqui um ficha de setup na nossa lingua. Descarreguem à vontade, e deêm a quem quiserem. Mas não alterem de qualquer forma ou apaguem partes. Obrigado ;) Back to English,...

    Started by Tiagolini, 11-15-2005 05:45 PM
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    11-28-2005 11:11 AM Go to last post

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